.Poses Galore.

I’m exhausted. I’ve been doing up photos for the store and ads. So i’m a bit tired. I’m not sure how I feel about the ones i’ve done, and luckily DH has done a few of the ads as well, but still. I’m tired. Just a look at what’s coming out soon!








There’s a lot of things I have to catch up with. Lots of blogging i’ve been missing out on. So much I haven’t done and I need to do. So we’ll start off with the fact that DH and I have been working our butts off on getting our store open. Yes, that’s right. We are jumping in on this fun Second Life rollercoaster! I’ll probably be up late nights pulling my hair out in sheer frustration, but should be fun? I hope. Well for the most part I hope it’s going to be a fun journey.

So what’s this new venture, you ask?

ImageI’m pretty excited about it! So what is PhotoTonic? It’s going to be our future pose store. PhotoTonic Poses. All in all i’m ready and geared up and motivated. At least somewhat motivated. I’m not entirely sure i’m motivated about all the other small details. You know the packaging, the putting stuff up into marketplace the tedious search for store space in world. Yeah. That’s the part I’m not really sure i’m looking forward to doing. Someone please tell me that I’m just crazy and to turn and run the other way?
